can be used as a lightweight Docker image to run a set of UNIX tools
and test that Docker has been configured properly. This document
demonstrates running the BusyBox Docker image in IBM Bluemix.
Create an IBM Bluemix account
Getting started with Bluemix Containers
Install Docker Engine
curl -L "https://cli.run.pivotal.io/stable?release=linux64-binary&source=github" | tar -zx
Run your first image using Bluemix Containers
The following steps document how to run an interactive BusyBox example using Bluemix Containers.
Email> (Bluemix account email)
Password> (Bluemix account password)
Org> (Bluemix account org)
Password> (Bluemix account password)
Org> (Bluemix account org)
Set the Bluemix Container namespace (if not already set):
docker tag busybox:latest registry.ng.bluemix.net/example/busybox:latest
Push the image to your Bluemix Registry:
docker push registry.ng.bluemix.net/<Namespace>/busybox:latest
Run the BusyBox Docker container using Bluemix Containers:
Run the BusyBox Docker container using Bluemix Containers:
cf ic run -it registry.ng.bluemix.net/example/busybox:latest
Execute any BusyBox command from the running container: Busybox commands reference. Type exit to quit the BusyBox container session.
Execute any BusyBox command from the running container: Busybox commands reference. Type exit to quit the BusyBox container session.